Saturday, January 21, 2012

Making 2012 count...

My 12 things to try for 2012 (with examples)

1. Make a new Habit\Hobby and drop an old Habit

    New year gives us a opportunity to start fresh. Lets start something. I'm sure there is at least on item in every body's todo list that is begging and pleading to be picked up, and an item in current list that is excess baggage.
    eg. make a habit to start at 6 in morning, or to go for a walk. Or may be start working out. In my case give up smoking and drinking alcohol.. (See I already went achieved one action item. Wow I'm awesome)

2. Learn

    Let Year++ imply you++. Pick up something you are passionate about, make time for it. Something that will give you relief from the daily grind and kick start your creative part of you.
    eg. Music people (you know who you are. Its time to brush the dust off of your instruments and start again), or learn a new language, Cooking (Why not. We can start a rodent poison industry if it doesn't workout), or maybe learn to fly and become Superman's kickaside..

3. Teach

    Let others stand on our shoulders and excel as we have been standing on shoulders of our previous generation. Teach them your lessons, stories, skills, don't let them repeat our mistakes.
    Which reminds me, I have to call up my Nephew and tell him that what we learn in school is mostly useless. And give him some tips on some real life skills like picking up chicks.. You guys can go and teach boring stuff like computers or ...

4. Experience

    Kick yourself out of your comfort zone and try something that'll new. Something daring or fun. Whatever will take an emotion and cranks it up to "Are You Nuts?" level.  In the process, you'll discover something new about yourself, and we evolve out of that.
    Eg. Wouldn't it be fun to jump off an airplane 10,000 feet above ground? or hang yourself upside down with the support of only a rope? Or even goto the top of your building in midnight and experience the silence and calmness in the air.

5. Share

    Feeling down or on top of the world? "Share" with someone you "care" (Wow that rhymed. I can rhyme, ignoring me is a crime, I'm in my prime, so look out or you'll be.. aah... Damn it was so close)
    Anyways, let you happy day light up theirs. Spam them, interrupt them when there are in the middle of something important, busy or DND mode. Make it count people.. Make your day count..

6. Express

   Let the world know that you are special, unique. Not for the sake of the world, but for yourself, because it makes you happy. Don't expect anyone else to stand by you.
   eg. Draw (on other people's white board), paint (on your neighbor's wall), Sing (drive people around you insane) or just let the music move you, dance. Scribble, move, write, scream.. you choose your weapon.

7. Stretch

   Set a goal and go beyond it. Stretch and go beyond, push yourself to the fullest. Feel the thrill of going past your limits. Challenge yourself a little more every day.

8. Surrender

    Give in to an idea or an idea or whatever inspires you, and give in unconditionally. Don't question, or think or judge. For a change take the back seat, and let life guide you.
    eg. Surrender to the idea of merry making and crack pj's at will. Might get you killed, but hey I didn't promise a happy ending..

9. Believe

    Believe in yourself or better something bigger than yourself. It could be your hard work, of for some their innate skill to screw up anything (thank you Lord for your insightful, amusing, and yet practical gift). When the world turns it back, all that remains and what keeps you going is what you believe in.
   eg. Is it still too late to believe in Santa? or believe that I can win a noble prize?? Or maybe I should start with believing in miracle. Maybe a couple, aah.. make it a couple dozen please..

10. Pray

    I know it may sound odd, but in lame man's terms, its called complaining to higher authority. Pray for yourself or for someone else. For all things in control of supernatural, all we can do is pray.
    eg. What there are no supernatural things you say? how about the price of petrol. Yeah you better pray. If you don't really have a cause, you can pray for my my favorite cause.. "WORLD PEACE BABY..." And I'll pray that someday this will be a reality and not a joke.

11. Love

    What can I say. The magic glue that keeps the world from shattering into a million billion pieces. The most lethal drug of all. Love yourself, love thy neighbor.

12. Celebrate

   What is life without party right? Celebrate every moment of life. the good, bad, ugly and awesome.. Every story is special, and every moment you survived is a moment worth celebrating. Only a fool will celebrate for little reason.  So the secrets out, I'm a fool..

Happy rest of the year everybody.. Let all your wildest dreams come true.. :)

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