Tuesday, April 24, 2012

There is no place like Home

We walk a thousand miles to find something fills up the emptiness inside of us a little more. But sometimes the very thing we walked away creates a void so huge that nothing can ever fill it up.

It all started when I sitting in the train traveling back to my hometown. I was staring at the buildings from the window and I saw a lady standing on top of her house, leaning forward and lazily following the train as it passed by her house. This was of no significanct to her, it was just another train.

The house was not particularly lavish. It was small, a single floor. The paint was peeling of at most places and front of the house needed some work.

I started thinking (Yes, I know its a terrible habit. bad for health too. I'll try to avoid it from next time) how she would be feeling at that instant and how I would be feeling if I were standing there. More specifically, if I were to be living in that house, how different would I have felt.

That was an interesting thought. I was already intoxicated with joy. I was on my way home. So all I had to do is imagine that was my house and the train stopped and I walked into that building. And as I imagined myself walk into that house, I didn't feel any different from how I feel about walking into my home.

Next to it was a small hut. It was the same feeling when I imagined walking into that hut. I know its a hard life there, there is not room for your own, there are issues. If I lived in a house that had a leaky roof, or next to a station which has an earthquake ever time a train passes by, I would still love walking into that house everyday. Every home has its issues, so does mine.

Not every house you live in can be your home. There is a difference when a person says "I'm going to my house", and "I'm going to my home".

The next day I walked into my home. It was a feeling of joy, comfor. The word that keeps coming to my word is a Sanctuary. This is a quote from movie Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

 "Sanctuary... is a word which here means a small, safe place in a troubling world. Like an oasis in a vast desert or an island in a stormy sea"

Those words best describe the a home for me.

I still cannot imagine what is it about a place that can invoke such a powerful feeling. Maybe its the people, or the memories, or maybe its just a place that you can call your own. I'm still not wise enough to figure that out.

Two days later, I had to walk away from my home again. I could feel every part of my soul hurting when I was saying my good-byes. Oh how I wish I could displace the two cities so they could be next to each other. Or if somebody would invent a teleportation device.

Well this is reality, and this is life. I think I've bitched long enough about it.

              <image from the movie :  Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events>

No matter where we go, the blessed will find a place to call it their home, their sanctuary. At the end of the day, that is all we need and thats all we wish for. I wish it comes true for all of us.