Sunday, November 20, 2011


Dear Reader,

   These guidelines are provided for your and my safety. Please take it into your consideration when you are reading my blog.
  1. Read at your own Risk.
  2. These scribblings are my personal views and opinions, based on my minuscule understanding and limited purview of the world.
  3. If you are looking for pearls of wisdom, then you are barking up the wrong tree.
  4. Everybody is entitled to their opinions, please be respectful to other's opinions.
  5. Correct me, but don't try to change me.
  6. Sometimes I do really stupid things.
  7. Don't like what you see, please fell free to turn away.
  8. My words are not meant to offend anyone. If they ever do its unintentional, and I apologize in advance.
  9. I believe "Everybody is right, but not all at the same time, and same context". A problem can have multiple right answers and each answer has varying degree of rightness based on time and context.
  10. Please be polite and mind your language.
  11. Constructive comments are always welcome.
  12. Me sppelling ability and Grammar ability sucks.
 You have been warned.. :)

I reserve the right to make further amemdments to the above content.

Thank you for your time,
                                                                                                      Yours Sincerely